How do we realize it?
The head office of Klöcker Bros. in Borken, Germany, is still focusing extensive investments in properties and buildings, but also in the following sectors:
tool design and construction,
information technology,
electronic component insertion automation,
stamping technology,
vibratory grinding,
abrasive flow machining technology,
injection moulding,
chip removing manufacturing and
Since Klöcker is working with graduates in business management, mechanical and electrical engineers, mechatricians and information scientists, turnover related development expenses of 21 % are realized every year.
On the one hand, as an OEM-supplier, Klöcker’s engineering department supports all well-known weaving machine manufacturers even during the planning and project phase of new leno devices for high performance weaving machines. Many years of experience, valuable contributions of our employees, state of the art CAD work stations which of course cover three-dimensional construction, flexible processing centers with up to five axes and electric wire and vertical discharge machines allow manufacturing of stamping, follow-up cutting or complex injection moulding tools for various internal applications in a short period of time. Klöcker’s division for sample construction is equipped with conventional machinery and assures fast availability of sample and zero series. Thus, expensive misplannings and call-back campaigns may be avoided.
On the other hand, Klöcker designed and manufactured tools for own purposes for several decades. The profound know-how we have gained in this area now has become the basis for our new field of acitivity: We enlarged our service range by tool design and engineering. Extensive investments in machines, highly qualified employees and reliable C-technologies complete our new department in Weseke, Germany. Thus, we succeeded in taking the necessary step into this new field of diversification bearing in mind the competition of the BRIC-nations Brazil, Russia, India and China in the worldwide textile markets which is getting stronger day by day.
In order to live up to the increasingly growing demands on international communication, just-in-time based production planning and coordination as well as controlling, only the latest information technology is used at the sites in Germany and Indonesia. Klöcker principally works with high performance industrial computers in a so-called storage-area-network on fail-over-clustering basis maintenance of which is assured by Klöcker employees only. This state-of-the-art technology ensures the prompt availability of all company relevant data in different workplaces across the countries.
In the largest of Klöcker’s three production halls in Borken and in a separated pollution-free atmosphere, Klöcker produces both conventional and flexible electronic circuit boards mainly on SMD-basis using component insertion automation subject to the latest technology. Vapor-phase soldering machines guarantee the highest possible process precision and thus convincing, constant quality at the same time.
In this respect, responsibility is taken by Klöcker’s internal development department being also in charge of the assemblies’ layout and all necessary hardware-related programming. The production exclusively covers own requirements.
Klöcker’s stamping experience primarily complies with individual customer requests and covers an operating field of up to 630 kN. Fully automatic, electronically supervised stamping presses treat metal bands of different quality. A consequent realization of quality regulations according to a certified quality management system and a careful selection of raw material suppliers assure an impeccable delivery service.
The necessary follow-up treatment of stamping processes is automatically performed through spiral vibrators and centrifugal grinding machines in Borken. Klöcker provides the essential thread fineness according to super-polish demands of vibratory grinding through rotating grinding material which in a first step deburs, grinds, polishes, and degreases. Needless to say that the sewage treatment through an adequate waste centrifuge and additional filters is secured at any time.
Subsequent to the vibratory grinding, finest polishing of the extremely critical thread eyes with smallest radius and of highest perfection is realized through abrasive flow machining clocked by microprocessors. Thanks to the special grinding medium and an infinitely variable regulation of the flowing speed within the machine, the requested surface quality is freely programmable. An extensive computer system support permits the supervision of the pre-selected parameters at the same time. Thus, manual polishing sometimes leading to considerable variations has been successfully eliminated.
Progressive microprocessor driven injection moulding machines partly provided with process-automating robotics, allow Klöcker the processing of weaving-technical necessary, but production-technical critical multicomponent materials, such as polyamides enriched with glass fibre yarns or composite materials on carbon and nylon basis. Several hundred thousands of injection moulded parts being subject to further finishing in Germany and Indonesia are produced in this multilevel department every year.
With respect to chip removing manufacturing, processing centers with up to five axes are in use which guarantee an economical and flexible production of single and small series at the site in Borken. All CNC-machinery is equipped with corresponding software for highly-developed algorithms, such as linear or helix interpolation. In cooperation with digital servo-motor drives, not only precise movement control but also significant exactness within the scope of the above mentioned quality management system are hence secured.
Besides the multilingual use of application software aiming at the optimization of production organizational processes, the logistics system at Klöcker is additionally characterized by own storehouses with rotating warehouse racking systems allowing prompt disposition of all spare parts and single components needed in manufacturing. Stock movements are being recorded automatically at the same time. Thus, Klöcker is able to uphold its ability to provide 7/24 logistics services: date, time and destination being precisely assigned
Therefore, it is nothing but consequent that Klöcker in Germany principally works with skilled workers, university graduates and well-known, certified suppliers only. Moreover, the contact with young graduates majoring in manifold fields is constantly maintained through long-standing and intense cooperation with universities in Germany and the United States
Naturally, Klöcker is certified to offer apprenticeships for industrial businessmen/-women, stock managers (m/f), information scientists (m/f), industrial mechanics (m/f), industrial electricians (m/f), and mechatricians (m/f).