Klöcker is optimistically starting the New Year. The big international weaving machine manufacturers will be working with high occupancy or even partially at full capacity until the late summer. As an Original Equipment Manufacturer, Klöcker benefits from this pleasing development, since the own product line of mechanical and mechatronical selvedge binding systems especially for technical and geotextiles is in strong demand and convincing both producers as well as customers. Moreover, the recently patented, new generation of Leno Healds will be ready for the market in the summer after extensive practical tests.
Also the business sector medical engineering will grow in the double digit percentage range and ensure a stable capacity in the tools and moulds.
The whole development has positive effects on the extended workbench of Klöcker at SKD in Bandung, Indonesia, where a new large order from Japan is worked on additionally.
This development can only be permanently disrupted by immutable, external factors. Geopolitical smoldering conflicts between China and Taiwan as well as Russia and Ukraine need to be mentioned. Furthermore, interrupted supply chains, semiconductor shortages, exorbitant increases in resource and material prices and noticeable increased inflation rates can launch a wage-price spiral going along with the well-known negative effects. Additionally, higher social costs may arise. Like a bad assumption, new variations of Corona threaten to paralyze the national economy.
Klöcker approaches this exciting year with its 175 years of grown self-conception and an entrepreneurial necessary optimism.