Klöcker Bros. are positive ever since planning procedure started once again / criticism on district major
Weseke (pet.) – “We are glad the politicians got around to doing the right thing”, Dr. Christoph Schwemmlein says about the latest development in the southwest of Weseke. The managing director of the supplier of mechatronical components for the textile industry Klöcker Bros. hopes that the new development plan procedure will take place without further flaws in sufficient time to make the enlargement between Hauptstraße and B70 finally become reality.
Subsequent to the objection of a neighbor the initial plan ended up at the higher administrative court of Münster. The judges rejected parts of the plan. Subsequently, the city council’s idea to have an access road along the education center towards the future industrial real estate got little thanks on the part of the population (the Borkener Zeitung reported). In the meantime, even a “direct exit Klöcker” from the interstate B70 was discussed, but soon rejected due to the high costs. Last week, the planning committee unanimously approved the administration’s proposal to have the road “Im Thomas” make a slight curve and then lead it to the Salm-Horstmar-Straße parallel to the interstate. The advantage for the company: the enlargement area would not be divided into two parts by the little road any longer.
A lot of fuss about nothing – Schwemmlein does not say it as explicitly though when he talks about all the concerns which have been discussed so massively during the last year. However, he makes clear that he perceives these worries exaggerated. “20 heavy trucks leave our premises – per year!” The rest of transportation is carried out by little vans. Both in terms of the noise and the substances that come out of the chimney “we significantly are below the limiting values”, the managing director underlines. All the norms and regulations always have been and will be kept to in the future, he promises.
Both the city of Borken and the chamber of commerce deserve highest praise for their support regarding the enlargement plans. “They really did their utmost to help us.” Nevertheless, the district major Hubert Börger cut a bad figure during all the discussions. In a very well-directed manner, “Börger played with emotions” and was “far away from sufficiently communicating this topic ”, Schwemmlein thinks.
Klöcker has already invested 1,5 million euros into the current premises. One hall was completely renovated, new machines were bought. This area covers 12.000 m², additional 9.000 m² are ready for expansion. A new hall is planned in the open countryside towards the Salm-Horstmar-Straße. Schwemmlein estimates the additional investment at about 1,5 to 2,0 million euros.
Tool construction, injection molding techniques and mechatronics – this is the basis on which the company which develops and manufactures components for highly complex weaving machines works on its future. At the moment, there are about 45 employees in Weseke. 150 people are employed in Indonesia. To foster the development, more “masterminds” are needed at the main site in Germany and Schwemmlein announces up to 15 new jobs. Qualified staff graduating from the regional universities.
Source: Daily newspaper “Borkener Zeitung”, February 9th, 2007