Social Commitment
Klöcker is aware of the variety of ideas and initiatives worth being committed to. For this reason, Klöcker does not only serve its business partners, but gets involved in society as well – we consider both to belong together. Along with our commercial activities, we shall be pleased to be a partner for relieving distress, supporting talents or helping to get new ideas accepted.
For this reason, Klöcker has been getting involved with cultural issues and other social interests for many years. This commitment is an integral part of our entrepreneurial self-concept. Management as well as employees of Klöcker feel closely connected to Westphalia and its residents. We know that our local and international corporate success is inseparably connected to a healthy economical, social and cultural development of our direct environment.
The cultural and social commitment is based on three pillars: art, social issues and education – always enforcing our claim for sustainability. We understand ourselves as a reliable partner of the institutions supported by us while we are connected to them through a long and successful cooperation.
The „Rocknight“ in Weseke has been a cultural highlight in the local musicscene for years and Klöcker is proud of affording the engagement of high class live bands as main sponsor. Every year, more than 1.000 music fans dance until the early morning while having an unforgettable time.
Supporting children and adolescents needing special help by reason of migration or social disadvantage is part of our understood tasks, while the financial dedication of Klöcker Bros. is being accompanied by private commitment of our employees.
We perceive it as a socialpolitical assignment to impart economical and scientific learning contents in schools and universities at home and abroad. Underwriting internships and work study options are as self-evident for Klöcker as the academic pursuit of a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree.
Selected employees of our company are involved in voluntary lectures on different technical and/or commercial topics to be held in schools and universities.
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